Girls Night Out

Girls Night Out
Girls Night Out by Karen Eastland

The Katsaros sisters, Katarina and Neoma, the human vessels for the goddesses Athêna and Aite, were preparing for a night out at the FireFly Club. Aite, the underworld goddess known for her short fuse, was struggling to squeeze into a pair of blue jeans that were clearly too small.

"I think they might be too small for you?" Theodora, or Theo for short, the Bearer, commented innocently as she entered the room.

Aite's fiery temper flared. Before Theo could react, Aite ripped off the jeans, sprang from the bed, and wrapped them around Theo's neck.

"Aite? Not again," Athêna sighed, watching the scene unfold.

Theo's vision blurred, and the last thing she heard was Athêna's exasperated voice. Aite knew she could kill Theo without consequence; the Bearer would simply regenerate. It was a safer outlet for her anger than harming Athêna's human vessel.

As Theo regained consciousness, she found herself on the floor, Aite on top of her, and Athêna attempting to pull her off. A surge of bloodlust washed over Theo. Flames erupted from her eyes, and she burned a scorching line of lava across the jeans, splitting them in two. With a burst of power, she threw both goddesses across the room. Hovering in the air, Theo shot a bolt of lightning at Aite's feet.

"We've talked about this, Aite," she said, her voice firm as she fought to control her rage.

Calm now, Theodora, Brain, the symbiotic entity within Theo, advised.

Shut it, Brain, Theo said, this needs to be settled.

Oh well, then I will just sit back and let you at it then, shall I? Brain retorted.


Brain moved to the bacl of her mind and sulked.

"Now, Aite," Theo continued, "if you ever kill me like that again, I'm sending you straight to Elysian... do I make myself clear?"

Aite was stunned. Theodora had never threatened anyone with that before. The thought of being in Elysian without Athêna was unbearable.

"Yes," Aite mumbled.

"I'm sorry," Theo pressed, winking at Athêna, who looked utterly bewildered. "I didn't quite hear that... close your mouth, Athêna."

Athêna snapped her jaw shut and backed away from the intense interaction. Flames flickered around Theodora's eyelids, a sight Athêna had only seen in the midst of battle.

"Yes," Aite repeated, a hint of defiance in her voice, which she quickly corrected. "Sorry, Theo. Yes, I understand."

Athêna's jaw dropped again. Aite had never apologised to anyone... ever.

"Good," Theo said, the flames receding. "Now, what are you wearing to the club?"

Athêna, still reeling, tossed Aite a new pair of jeans. "Here, try these."

Aite dressed, and the three friends headed out to the FireFly Club. The rest of the night passed without incident... for Theo, at least. Aite, true to form, ended up in a brawl with a drunken shifter who tried to pick her up. Thankfully, the FireFly Club was frequented only by supernatural beings, so their antics went largely unnoticed.

The night was a whirlwind of flashing lights, loud music, and lively conversation. The gods held court in their section, while the shifters and ghouls filled the dance floor and bar. It was a night of camaraderie and celebration, a reminder of the unique bond between these immortal beings and their human companions.